Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Learning to Hope for More

As some of you probably know, I have been dealing with some major foot issues as of late. The pain I feel because of this injury is unlike anything I have ever felt before. I wish I could tell you the number of times I have cried due to the amount of pain or because of how scared I was and am because of this unexplained injury... but I lost track. It has been 3 months and I have seen 3 different doctors and gotten 3 different responses about this issue and it's not getting any better.

I wish I could say that it is no big deal and that dancers get injured all the time and that I'm not worried... but that would be a lie. I am scared. I am worried. I am losing hope.

In the midst of feeling like my dance career is ending, I am striving to remember to not give up hope. I have been scared by my dreams before and I have persevered with God's help and I can do it again.
We all have these times in our lives that look like they will defeat us but I have to remember that God is greater than all of this yet he knows me intimately. He knows my wants. He knows my desires. He knows that my wish is to glorify him through my art form. He will not give up on me so I shouldn't give up on him.

I'm striving to hope for more. I'm hoping for more than defeat. I'm hoping for more than the crushing of my dreams. I'm hoping for more than to live in fear of what could go wrong. I'm hoping for more because I'm placing my hope in the One who is more than anything else in this life.

"Hope is the ability to hear the melody of the future. Faith is the courage to dance to it today."

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Just for Fun!

We spend so much of our lives worrying.... worrying about our grades, our friendships, our finances, or our health. And sometimes we worry about worrying. It's a natural thing that we all do as humans.

At Friends, we have what we call 'reading day' which is a day off from academic classes the day before finals start so the students can study. Some people were worried about finals, some were not. Regardless, several of the dancers took time away from studying to just have some fun. 

This was the result... enjoy! :)